Recycling Equipment

Accurate provides, installs, and maintains recycling equipment. Our company offers decades of experience in assessing your waste stream and working closely with our customers to implement comprehensive recycling and waste removal solutions.

Accurate Compactor


Commercial Compactors are a type of recycling equipment used for a variety of waste streams. They come in various sizes and applications. Compactors are installed to pack and transport large volumes of:

  • Waste Paper/Office Waste
  • Cardboard
  • Trash
  • Food Waste


Balers provide the highest density method for packing waste paper and recyclables. Because of this, we are able to transport much higher volumes of recyclables and extend to you the highest possible rebate. Typically, balers are used for high volumes of:

  • Cardboard
  • Waste Paper
  • Plastic Wrap
bale pickup

Tractor-Trailers with Forklifts

We utilize recycling equipment that allows us to provide service with little to no disruption to our customers’ operations. Our drivers will visit your location and load your recyclables quickly and safely.

drop trailer

Drop Trailers

We can supply a 45-foot trailer in your dock.